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[ECCS Could Email] Cannot Receive the Emails which Should be Delivered


Updated: July 01, 2016
July 01, 2016

ECCS Cloud Email is a normal Google Email system; therefore, sending and receiving email is the same as Gmail. Any failure or undelivered email conforms to the server specifications or the state of the Gmail server. If the email doesn't be delivered, please follow the steps below.

1.Please follow the instructions in Gmail Help. A question format is the selection formula. Therefore please complete by selecting the items that are appropriate to your problems which is currently happening.

2.If you cannot find the email with the above procedure, please ask the sender to send the email again.

3.If the mail still missing and wants to inquire of ECCS, please tell us about how did you answer the questions in the procedure of the above-mentioned Gmail help.

Gmail is a cloud service which is outside of the University of Tokyo. The possibility of finding the missing email or solving the issue is very low even if you contact ECCS. It would be greatly appreciated when it is possible to understand.